Comment here for a reading!


Comment on this thread if you’d like a public reading.  Let me know if you’d like a general reading or if you have any specific questions (please be as specific as possible).  You can also post a photo or a link to a photo of yourself and/or your loved ones for a clearer reading.  If you’d like a private reading or to send photos privately, fill out the form in the “Contact Laura” section, thank you.

I will respond to everyone as quickly as possible in the order I receive them 🙂

Helpful tips for clearer readings


Here are some tips that will ensure you receive the clearest, most accurate reading possible:

1.) Post a recent picture of yourself and/or the loved ones you are asking about.  You do not have to post any pictures, but they will certainly help me give you a clearer, more precise reading.  If you don’t want these images to be public then go to the “Contact Laura” page and fill out your information.  You can also fill this out if you’d like a private reading.  I will respond as quickly as I can and we will then correspond privately.

2.) Be as specific as possible with your questions.  For example, instead of simply asking about your “love life”, it is better to say, “What will happen in my love life in the next (fill-in-the-blank) months?” or “Is the man I’m with right for me?” or “Am I going to get back together with my ex?” The same applies for asking about your “career”, it is better to say, “What will happen with my career in the next (fill-in-the-blank) months?” or “Is my current career right for me?” or “What type of career is right for me?”  Basically the more specific you can be the easier it will be for me to tune into exactly what you are asking about, otherwise you will probably get a general overview if you are not specific.

3.) Understand that I am here for guidance. I will answer any and all questions you have for as long as you have them.  I enjoy providing guidance for those who seek answers to the challenges they face or understanding who they are.  I am capable of answering simple questions about when something will happen and things of that nature, but I can guarantee you will receive much more benefit from answering deeper questions or requesting a general reading.

4.) Speaking of general readings, here is a quick outline of what they entail.  When I am asked to do a general reading I simply pick up on anything and everything that comes to me about a person.  This may include: emotional disposition, emotional issues, aura colors and what they mean, personality traits, idiosyncrasies, innate strengths and weaknesses, and any helpful tips or suggestions that I feel you need to hear.  I cannot predict nor force what I pick up on, thus, some people will get a lot of suggestions while others may get none.

Give and receive


My readings will always be free for everyone.  You are never obligated to give back to me in any way, however, I certainly appreciate any and all methods of giving.  Whether it’s a testimonial, sharing my site with your friends and loved ones, donating money (no amount is too small), trading goods and/or services (I love receiving tarot readings), leaving me honest feedback, or just simply saying thank you–any and all methods are greatly appreciated and well-received 🙂

If you’d like to give a testimonial, simply comment on this post.  If you’d like to give me a monetary donation then my paypal handle is  If you’d like to give me anything else just comment or fill out the “Contact Laura” section for a private message, thank you.

About me and my readings


Welcome to my site for clairvoyant readings 🙂  My name is Laura, I have a gift for seeing/sensing a person’s emotional energy, which shows their strengths and weaknesses, what motivates them, what they need to let go of in order to move forward with their lives, who they are underneath layers of conditioning, what caused the pain they are in and how to be free of it, how they can build upon their natural traits and make the most of them, and many other aspects of the emotional world we each live in.

I can also pick up on a person’s future, whether it be their love life, career, health (physical or mental), spiritual path, etc.  I am not as adept at sensing specific physical diseases or illnesses, but I can give an overview of which parts of the body need healing.  I am also able to sense those who have passed on, so if you have a question for or about them I can be of service.

You can get a feel for how I give my readings by perusing this thread on reddit:

You can also get a feel for my readings by visiting my subreddit: